Friday, August 1, 2008

The Trilogy (part 1.) Confusion

After having watched Gehn's Speech for the first time, after solving a couple of riddles built into the adventure-game Riven, I was astounded and flabbergasted: the beauty of the anglo-lingo of it. (Riven comes with 5 CD-ROM's and the fifth is Riven.)
This inspired me to analyse and learn the UK-english text by heart. This took a while, believe me, but I succeeded to memorize the full 7 minutes-monologue. This never proved to be easy, still, I performed it twice in public: during the premiere in Merleyn in December 2001 and at the Steigertheater in April 2002. The second performance was quite a learning experience to me regarding the relationship performer-audience.

Take a look at the video, sit back and try to grasp the beauty of this splendid text, feel the tension and the danger that mr. Gehn poses to his audence. . .

The Trilogy (2001)

In 2001 I started writing this piece and learning it by heart, most of the texts are still in my mind, ready for uttering. . .
There has been one performance only at Merleyn Nijmegen NL. The try-out proved reasonably succesful (but I quit performing on stage for years after june 2002).

The Trilogy is an english play with a couple of languages intermingled, like a patchwork:
  • Part 1 Confusion (uk-english)
    Character: Gehn from Riven, the game.

  • Part 2 EUROlogy (uk, fr, it, de and nl)
    Characters: mr. Teacher (uk, a severe rightwing-Tory) and Watson (a young english gentleman with a funny french accent).

  • Part 3 Revelation (us-english)
    Characters: mr. Teacher and Watson and introducing Rev.Rascall (Atlanta, GA).

The texts can be found here.

VoxHumanaProd at YouTube

VHP joined YouTube on July 27th, 2008 with ´VoxHumanaProd´ as the logical accountname:

VHP produces small video´s, they cannot be longer than the 10 minutes-limit set by YouTube, that share the same basic characteristics:
- typically each uploaded file is a WMV-objectfile,
- the resolution is 640x480 pixels, allowing for high quality output,
- they are all subtitled (in english, french, italian, german and dutch),
- with videocompression MPEG4 (Xvid Codec), and
- with soundcompression MPEG Layer-3, (24kHz, stereo).

Now, VHP-material has already been published in 2008 at the OdeonNijmegen-channel:
Now remember, the latter channel is in dutch whilst the VoxHumanaProd-channel is in english so as to be able to reach out to the anglo-american-australian-indian etc. community meanwhile hoping that they will appreciate my video-endavours.

VHP on the web since 2004

Vox Humana Productions is the umbrella under which I create and publish plays.

Most texts can be found on the original VHP-webpage at:
This page offers a portal to 2 major plays and one special page: the Rebel-page.
The first play is The Trilogy which I composed in 2001 and also performed on stage.
The second play is in dutch, in wartime-dutch to be more precise, and suggests a former PM to make some comments on the fixed past and the fluid modern times.
Finally, the Rebel-page is my answer to the declining solidity and solidarity in dutch society, I personally have had the honour to be maltreated by some representatives of dutch governmental and societal institutions.
As a result, my struggle with the authorities has turned me into a reb, definitely.

Just by writing plays I managed to survive mentally by pouring my thoughts in a personal form of expression.