Friday, August 1, 2008

VHP on the web since 2004

Vox Humana Productions is the umbrella under which I create and publish plays.

Most texts can be found on the original VHP-webpage at:
This page offers a portal to 2 major plays and one special page: the Rebel-page.
The first play is The Trilogy which I composed in 2001 and also performed on stage.
The second play is in dutch, in wartime-dutch to be more precise, and suggests a former PM to make some comments on the fixed past and the fluid modern times.
Finally, the Rebel-page is my answer to the declining solidity and solidarity in dutch society, I personally have had the honour to be maltreated by some representatives of dutch governmental and societal institutions.
As a result, my struggle with the authorities has turned me into a reb, definitely.

Just by writing plays I managed to survive mentally by pouring my thoughts in a personal form of expression.

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